Preschool enrolment

Preschool is a Department for Education early learning program which offers a total of 600 hours (15hrs per week), to 4 year old children in their year prior to commencing school.

All children will be eligible for 4 terms of preschool before starting school.  Schools will also provide both term 1 and term 3 intakes as of 2024.

A registration of interest form is the first step in securing your child’s enrolment:

If you are unsure about your child’s starting date, please contact us to discuss further

Further information can be found on

Children who turn 4 Start preschool Start school
On or before 30 April Term 1 Term 1
Between 1 May and 31 October Term 3 Term 3
On or after 1 November Term 1 (the following year) Term 1


Children who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or are in care (under guardianship),  will be eligible for 12 hours of 3 year old preschool and 15 hours of 4 year old preschool the following year.